Monday, July 23, 2012

What's Your Story?

Stories are a powerful way to to shape the future.  We don't always remember facts and figures, but we do remember the stories we hear and the impact they had on us - if they aligned with a belief, if they aligned with a common experiences, or tie back to a memorable time.  If it is a particular memorable story or event we might even keep a picture of something that triggers that story or keep something that reminds us of the event, story, or experience.

What are the stories you have personally experienced that capture the essence of your beliefs, your character, and represent significant milestones in your own journey?  What are the stories that represent how you have been blessed?  Have you shared them?  How will they be passed on?
  • I remember walking with my Grandpa Peterson who was around 80 years old to the post office in a tiny town in South Dakota one summer.  It was under a mile roundtrip  but it was pretty hot and he probably had his standard bib overalls and long sleeve shirt.   I don't remember any conversation, but I do remember that when we were returning within a couple hundred feet of the house, he said, "Boy - go on in the house and tell mom (my grandma) to eat without me.  The lady at the post office gave me an extra 10 cents back and I have to go give it back." 
  • I remember moving to the Chicago area with my wife and not knowing anyone.  We visited a church where we met a couple at the same stage of life and had common friends from Iowa.  We settled into that church and had experiences that we still talk about 20 years later because of the way they were used in our lives.
Psalm 78:1-7 says we are to capture these moments and share them with our children for the purpose of pointing them back to these "God moments" so they can pass them on to their children, and their children....for five generations.  That's a hundred plus years that the stories you share can impact your legacy.

So, what stories will you share?  What stories will shape your family for next 100 years?  Be intentional with what you pass on to your family and team.

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